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id # 2101  
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Dornier 328
Air Alps
 AUSTRIA , Innsbruck - Kranebitten (INN / LOWI)
Data: 10 marca 2004
Autor: Tomek Kujawa [epwa_spotters]
Ilość wyświetleń: 3711
Komentarze:  aby komentować zdjęcie musisz zarejestrować się w naszym serwisie
2004-03-17, Wolfgang Hut - TCAS
Yeah, Woit is absolutely right: a great wallpaper picture. I'm glad you could see the mountains on one of your spotting days at Innsbruck - and it's nice to see fine pictures of LOWI on airfoto.pl! Good luck and happy spotting to all editors of, and contributors to this website!
2004-03-15, Woit
Fajna fota na tapete :-)
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